SUNSOAKED Tarot readings are for all of us, guided by intuition dedicated to our insight, action, and growth.
Our Philosophy: Tarot is a mutualistic and spherical archetypal narrative: at any given time, all aspects of the Tarot are playing out in our conscious and sub-conscious lives.
Reading Tarot is a self-exploratory reflective practice. Whether you are reading for yourself or receiving a reading, Tarot is not a predictive measure; it is an insight to consider. And it is for all of us.
Libra New Moon: Pretending to be certain delays clarity.
Virgo New Moon: Tarot for the SUNSOAKED Community
Leo New Moon: Tarot for the SUNSOAKED Community
An Aside on Discipline
Cancer New Moon: Structure, Conditioning, and Internalized Pressures
Gemini New Moon Tarot Reading for the SUNSOAKED Community.
Arc Into The Gemini New Moon
Taurus New Moon From Washington DC: Accept The Challenge
Virgo Full Moon Tarot: Reconcile + Release
A Note: Integrating Intuition
Capricorn New Moon Tarot: Self-Tending
Sagittarius New Moon Tarot: Get Uncomfortable, Surrender
Scorpio New Moon Tarot: Receiving + Self-Guidance
A Note: Reversals
Scorpio New Moon: Astrological Aspects
Autumnal Equinox: A Period of Maturation
Super New Moon in Virgo: Resilience In Times of Changeability
A Spacious Virgo Full Moon in Pisces