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SUNSOAKED Tarot readings are for all of us, guided by intuition dedicated to our insight, action, and growth.
Our Philosophy: Tarot is a mutualistic and spherical archetypal narrative: at any given time, all aspects of the Tarot are playing out in our conscious and sub-conscious lives.
Reading Tarot is a self-exploratory reflective practice. Whether you are reading for yourself or receiving a reading, Tarot is not a predictive measure; it is an insight to consider. And it is for all of us.

Libra New Moon: Pretending to be certain delays clarity.
THE ASTROLOGICAL CONTEXT In the afternoon of October 14, 2023, the moon is new in Libra. As the sky darkens our pupils open, and often...
3 min read

Virgo New Moon: Tarot for the SUNSOAKED Community
THE ASTROLOGICAL CONTEXT Mercury has gone direct. Jupiter is in retrograde. Communication and processes become more clear, and the...
2 min read

Leo New Moon: Tarot for the SUNSOAKED Community
THE ASTROLOGICAL CONTEXT The Sun, Moon, and Venus are in Leo. The Moon is opposite Uranus, emotions are big, and tension is likely. Mars...
3 min read

An Aside on Discipline
We are decolonizing the term Discipline - stripping away the patriarchal, dogmatic, and authoritarian tones and rhetoric surrounding the...
1 min read

Cancer New Moon: Structure, Conditioning, and Internalized Pressures
Pulled at the time of the new moon, July 17, 2023, and read in Washington, DC. Tarot insights and writing by Briget Heidmous. THE...
4 min read

Gemini New Moon Tarot Reading for the SUNSOAKED Community.
Pulled a read in Washington, DC. Read and written by Briget Heidmous. THE ASTROLOGICAL CONTEXT The Gemini New Moon is square Neptune -...
2 min read

Arc Into The Gemini New Moon
We are on the arc of shadow in the days leading into the New Moon. These are the darkest skies of the month, where we can see the sky's...
3 min read

Taurus New Moon From Washington DC: Accept The Challenge
Accept the challenge: Walk through a supported portal toward the shadow self. Allow discomfort, even pain, to flow through you without attac
3 min read

The energy you put into your altar is the energy you are putting into your essential being. Every time you revisit the memory of creation, y
2 min read

Virgo Full Moon Tarot: Reconcile + Release
LISTEN ON SPOTIFY THE PLACEMENT The Sun, Venus and Neptune are in Pisces while Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are in Aquarius setting us up...
4 min read

A Note: Integrating Intuition
Integrating intuition might feel like the ongoing labor of cultivating intuitive commune between the Ego and Self. A sustained effort in...
2 min read

Capricorn New Moon Tarot: Self-Tending
The Placement: New Moon conjunction with Pluto shares Capricorn and the Fourth House with the Sun and Venus. It's clear, we are entering...
2 min read

Sagittarius New Moon Tarot: Get Uncomfortable, Surrender
Holding non-judgemental, or neutral, presence in meditation with Black Tourmaline, Epidote, Rare Pink Heulandite and a Quartz Point
5 min read

Scorpio New Moon Tarot: Receiving + Self-Guidance
This SUNSOAKED crystal guided Tarot reading for the New Moon in Scorpio, Sextile Jupiter and Pluto was pulled November 13, 2020. Learn...
5 min read

A Note: Reversals
Reversals have a reputation of being "bad" an omen of wrongness or negativity. This could not more incorrect because the Tarot works only...
1 min read

Scorpio New Moon: Astrological Aspects
New Moon in Scorpio, Sextile Jupiter and Pluto Allow things to flow into alignment. Do not attempt to force, or control, aspects - new,...
3 min read

Autumnal Equinox: A Period of Maturation
This reading was pulled at 9:30 EST on September 22, 2020, the exact moment of the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Being in...
6 min read

Super New Moon in Virgo: Resilience In Times of Changeability
Diligence, attention and compassion given to our internal worlds engenders resilience.Â
4 min read

A Spacious Virgo Full Moon in Pisces
Opposition affords us the opportunity to get clear.
2 min read
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