The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, North Node, and Midheaven are sixty degrees of Taurus. Jupiter is calling us towards expansion within the higher self, while Uranus is asking us to revolutionize beyond what is known. Mars is saying take action. We are bound to discover a lot and feel truly new and known to ourselves each day.
We are being challenged, and we can squirm on the ground with the discomfort. Or we can slow the hell down, take in our internal and external energetic landscape and probe into our reality with informed action. We still won’t always know what we are doing; the invitation is to learn and try. To truly brave the unknown.
And it is all happening within the blooming, fertile, vernal season.
To the Tarot, I asked What do we need to be aware of?
The Spread
A four-card reading: A centralizing element above and three aspects for our consideration. Supported by a smoky quarts cluster on the matrix.
The Pull
Top: X (10) of Swords Left, Aspect 1: VI (6) of Pentacles
Center, Aspect 2: Daughter of Wands, Reverse
Right, Aspect 3: III (3) of Wands

Accept the challenge: Walk through a supported portal integrating the shadow self. Allow discomfort, even pain, to flow through you without attachment. Learn from consequences. And learn to share without self-denial.
Conflict arises. It is here to show you what is dying on the vine. With the 10 of Swords, we are shown acceptance of painful experiences. We are called inward. Don’t break stuff or excise; make a map and take in the information.
In the sanctity of your internal space, allow pain, anger, frustration, and resentment to reveal themselves to you. These are parts of ourselves we cultivated to help us before we knew better - they show up to show us where we are.
Get to know these parts. Pose things like this.
Hi Anger, what brought you here?
Hi Resentment, what are you here to do?
Hi Frustration, what’s going on?
Hi Pain, show me what hurts; tell me what happened.
Be with the answers to these questions. The answers are not who you are. They reveal where you are on that map you made.
These are parts of self that are “on-duty” - relieve them of their work.
Tell them things like this.
Thank you for showing me where I am; I’ve got it from here. Compassion will help me.
Thank you for taking me to this new space. You can go now. Love will help me from here.
…and so on.
The expansion of Jupiter meets revelatory Uranus in the VI (6) of Pentacles and the Daughter of Wands, Reversed. We are feeling the real-time pressure and bliss of expansion in the form of abundance.
Expansion might sound like sprawling, taking up as much space as you can grab…but that is not it. Expansion paired with abundance is about awareness of one’s blessing, the abundance mindset. The deep knowing that a significant impact can come from a small footprint on the earth's surface.
The imperfect thing that I am doing today is showing me the way.
The Daughter of Wands, Reversed is the wake-up call. “My love, perfection is not the goal. Remember, perfection is an illusion!”
When doing comes from the abundance mindset backed by grounded, informed (by both your Higher Self and reality checks) actions, you live in your blessings. Allowing others to do the same.
When we stop being blinded by illusions like perfection, balance, and fairness we step into a supported portal into the next revolutionized space.
We are talking about a fresh vantage point. By doing this work, guided by the tarot, we are supported as we turn the sphere
of our experience. Enjoy the elevated feelings that come from transmuting the shadow. Do not brace yet profoundly know that you will see the shadow again. This time with new strength and tools - knowing you are capable of meeting her with grace for yourself and others.